Contact Get In Touch Contact Our Offices Email Phone Phone our office for bookings+2711 325 5096 Address Hyde Park Corner, Jan Smuts Ave & William Nicol Drive, Hyde Park, Johannesburg, 2196 (see map) Our Practice: is on the 3rd Floor, South Wing. Please note: Entrance is in Hyde Park Shopping Center. Take the lifts next to McCullagh & Bothwell. Let's Connect Interested? Message Us! Your Name and Surname* Your email* Your Number* Subject* ---BOOKING REQUESTFamily ChiroPaediatric ChiroSports InjuryDry NeedlingNeck & Back PainCraniosacral TherapyVisceral Manipulation BOOKING INFORMATION: If you want to make a booking please indicate the date and time, and we will get back to you with confirmation or an alternative slot. Who is the Patient: MeBabyChildAnother adultPregnant MomElderly person Date You Want: Select times: ---MorningLunch TimeAfternoon Select Your Chiropractor: ---Dr. Natalie Arkin Your message (optional)